Road to net-zero

of our electricity comes from renewable sources
of our waste is recycled
of our company cars are either electric or hybrid
Carbon neutral

Carbon Neutrality

Independently assessed as carbon neutral

Federal Dokum, is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its activities across all operations.

Our company has been officially recognised as being carbon neutral*, with systems of reduction, measurement and certified offsetting in place. Third party assessment provides independent assurance of the our companys long-standing commitment to sustainability across all of its operations worldwide. Being carbon neutral means that the carbon dioxide emissions it generates by its business activities.

Our company acquired have been assessed only since their date of acquisition.

What does ‘carbon neutral’ mean?

Being carbon neutral means that Federal Dokum offsets the carbon dioxide emissions it generates by its business activities.

Direct Emissions

All direct emissions from the activities of an organisation, including fuel combustion on site, such as in gas boilers and in its fleet of delivery and other company-owned vehicles.

Indirect Emissions

Indirect emissions from electricity purchased and used by the organisation. These emissions are caused during the production of the electricity that is ultimately used by the organisation.

In the realm of industrial production, sustainability has emerged as a guiding principle, shaping the practices and processes of manufacturers worldwide. Among these, the art of precision casting stands as a beacon of sustainability, where innovation and environmental stewardship converge to forge a greener future for manufacturing.

To further reduce their environmental impact, manufacturers of sustainable casting embrace clean energy solutions. From solar panels powering production facilities to energy-efficient machinery and lighting, renewable energy sources play a vital role in minimizing carbon emissions and mitigating the environmental impact of casting operations. By transitioning to clean energy, manufacturers not only reduce their carbon footprint but also contribute to the broader transition towards a low-carbon future.